Awesome Icon Sets For Mac
When it comes to icons, web designers and graphic artists have an excellent opportunity to showcase their craft, prove their experience and explore their creativity. A sweet, nice icon pack is a perfect showcase of designer’s work and a powerful instrument to build up your reputation online. In fact, designers make use of it, creating absolutely amazing icon sets and offering them for free download. In the overview below we present 40 excellent, free and professional icon packs for desktop and web design. Some of them can be used for both private and commercial projects.
You may always use them for fre in your private projects. Nevertheless, it is always worth to take a look at the license agreements — they can change from time to time. You can also scan through the icons-related articles we’ve published before: • • • Free Icons For Your Web Designs This set contains a coffee icon, chair icon, employee icon, coffee machine icon, computer display icon and information kiosk icon. Each icon is available in size 16×16px, 32×32px, 48×48px and 256×256px.
Font Awesome is a full suite of 439 pictographic icons for easy scalable vector graphics on websites, created and maintained by Dave Gandy. Font Awesome is a web font containing all the icons from the Twitter Bootstrap framework (Bootstrap v2 can be found here), and now many more.All icons are completely free for commercial use. This fantastic set of 80 wildlife icons manages to be thoroughly clean and minimal while also being wonderfully expressive. It's the work of Freepik, and the free download comes with the icons both in PNG format and original SVG vector files. 41 Excellent Icon Sets with the Best Free Icons. If you want more, take a look at this Free icons set. We hope you find them useful. Food and beverage Icon Set. Star Wars In Free icons sets. Musical instruments free icons collection In Free icons sets.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License. This means that if you use the icons on your web site, please place a link to on the same pages the icons are used.
Awesome Icons for iOS These are the Awesome icons for iOS. They follow the (Apple could have done it better though), first introduced in iOS 7 and supported in all later releases up until now (at least iOS 11). These are outline icons; they're based on thin two-pixel lines and is optimized for 50×50 pixels. If you're creating an iOS app, either download Awesome PNG icons in 3 sizes (free icons for 50 and 100px; for folks who there's 150px) or download a single vector icon in PDF format (you'll have to ) — Xcode will generate the proper PNGs on the compilation.
There's a matching set of glyph icons — Apple introduced them in iOS 11 and uses for tab bars. 1em, Small Awesome Icons These small, tiny Awesome icons are designed to fit the text. They are only 16 pixels tall, thus we called them 1em (1em=16px). The problem that web designers are aware: once inserted in text, the icons break the line, making text “dance” and overall make design look chaotic.
1em is the only icon pack that follows the text, i.e. Brother printer driver for mac. Looks natural in a line of text of a standard font size.
Of course, you can scale it up for larger text. A good idea is to generate a font and use it along with your text (we have a built-in ). Enjoy your new, clean menus, action buttons, and other pieces of text combined with an icon.